The binding of the feet "was said to be an indicator of Chinese class and a symbol of beauty" (Evans). Young Chinese girls were subjected to foot binding as soon as they were
able to walk. Mothers bounded their daughters feet at a young age because children have soft bones (Lim). The foot would be wrapped with bandages to prevent the normal growth. The foot would then be placed into what is called a lotus shoe. The lotus shoe was no more than 3 inches long. As the foot was forced into the shoe, the foot would then gradually become smaller and disfigured (Evans). As I saw the disfigured toes curl into the foot, I could not imagine the pain these women had to go through.
The Video of the bounded foot saddened me. The tiny Chinese women looked so peaceful sitting on the chair. As I saw her disfigured foot, I was upset that people would hurt themselves like this. Although the foot binding tradition is not really practiced today, older women still carry deformities and scars. Some women even regret binding their feet.
Zhou says " I can't dance, I can't move properly. I regret it a lot. But at the time, if you didn't bind your feet, no one would marry you" (Lim).
It is sad to know that people go through such great lengths to be considered beautiful. If you think about it, foot binding is no different than waxing or even plastic surgery. These practices also include pain. I wonder if there will come a time when beauty isn't skin deep.
Evans, Myfanawy. "Pattaya Daily News." Pattaya Daily News Pattaya Newspaper Powerful News at Your Fingertips. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2013.
Lim, Louisa. "Painful Memories for China's Footbinding Survivors." NPR. NPR, 19 Mar. 2007. Web. 17 Apr. 2013.
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